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Dewa Athena

hello, now i want to tell you about my experience at sports event or so-called '' dewa athena ''.

So, dewa athena was event from SMAN 3 Bandung was be held for 10th and 11th grader. Dewa athena no just held one sport competition but dewa athena held eight sport competition there are futsal , badminton,  basketball, relay race, dodge ball, gobak sodor, volleyball, and tug of war.

Dewa athena was started at Bali field and opening at basket ball field, after that, for the first game was relay race, the players from my class were Adham, Azzam, Nanette, and Karina.After that my class was qualify again to the next third round.

After that, we wait so long for next game. The next game was futsal girl and the player from my class were Adil, Adisha, Maisa, Nadine, Goalkeeper was Asyilla, and the coach was adham.
And then, the next game was tug of war, and we use  our strategy to winning this game,after that my class was won and qualify again to the next round! and I so happy about was nice until our next game futsal boys, in this game I think the game and the strategy are good and my class played futsal is beautiful but what can we do about it my class is not won't from X MIPA 6, the player from my class were Alfari, Azzam, Bayu, Denis, and Rizka. It's okay, because there are still many games.After that, the next round  of tug of war , they trying to win in the round two but my class was lose from this game.Next, I prayed with my friends to mosque at Sumbawa street. 

After we prayed, we are going back to Bali field for the next game, and then the next game was volley ball, the players from my class were Azzam, Adil, Arjun, Raisha, Adisha, and Alfari but in the game Azzam replaced Adham and my class was won and my class qualify for volleyball game to the next round.And the next game is dodge ball game and I participated in this game, we were very tired and we were not won't from X MIPA 4.

Finally, that is the last game in the first day dewa athena, the game was basket ball game but we not participated in this game because our class it going back to the home, so our class must pay a fine.

It's all from me about my experience in dewa athena event thank you very much to read.
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh !


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